Seed Sales

  • #T00815
    * 30 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    75-85 days. Make beautiful, white tomato sauces for your gourmet dishes with these unusual white to pale...
  • #T00819
    * 30 Seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    90 Days Large, bright orange striped, beefsteak fruits - many weighing over 1 pound each! Very meaty and sweet...
  • #T00816
    * 30 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    65 Days Beautiful rose and gold striped, 2 to 4 ounce round fruits have a deliciously sweet, slightly tangy gourmet...
  • #T00845
    * 30 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    70 days. (A) Vigorous vines produce clusters of 1-1/2", plum-shaped tomatoes. Very sweet and mild - great straight...
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