Open Pollinated Tomato Seeds

  • #T00040
    30 seeds - $3.25 $3.15 - In Stock
    1/16 Ounce - $7.95 $6.95 - In Stock
    90 Days Bred at the University of Arkansas by Joe McFerran as an updated version of the region's famously high...
  • #T00087
    15 seeds - $3.75 $3.65 - In Stock
    100 seeds - $19.95 $17.45 - In Stock
    * Garden Ready Plants - $8.50 - In Stock
    80 days. This prize winner was bred by Minnie Zaccaria, a New Jersey gardener who tirelessly sought the perfect...
  • #T00100
    50 seeds - $3.45 $3.35 - In Stock
    72 Days An old-time favorite producing 8 to 10 oz. globe-shaped fruits that are solid and meaty. Highly adaptable...
  • #T00145
    50 seeds - $3.95 $3.55 - In Stock
    1/16 Ounce - $9.95 $8.95 - In Stock
    62 Days. This is the perfect sandwich-sized fruit! Solid-fleshed fruits of a deep, rich red, average 8 ounces on...
  • #T00150
    50 seeds - $3.95 $3.55 - In Stock
    1/16 Ounce - $7.95 $6.95 - In Stock
    (VFA) 69 Days. Produces medium-early, 7 ounce fruits that are oblate, bright red, with green shoulders and good...
  • #T00203
    30 seeds - $3.85 $3.55 - In Stock
    1/32 Ounce - $9.95 $8.95 - In Stock
    90 Days. An excellent performer in both gardens and greenhouses. Plants are vigorous and produce ribbed, firm,...
  • #T00316
    50 seeds - $3.75 $3.55 - In Stock
    1/16 Ounce - $6.95 $6.45 - In Stock
    (A) 72 Days. Mild flavor and low acidity make this one of the best varieties for tomato juice. Bright, golden-orange...
  • #T00315
    * 20 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    70-90 days. A mixture of popular heirloom varieties. Colors include yellow, orange, red, pink, green and purple as...
  • #T00344
    50 seeds - $3.25 - In Stock
    (FA GLS) 75-77 Days. Excellent for fresh market as well as ketchup, purees and sauces, as its name suggests! Fruits...
  • #T00350
    50 seeds - $3.95 $3.55 - In Stock
    1/16 Ounce - $9.95 $5.95 - In Stock
    (FA) 80 Days.Highly adaptable, especially in hot conditions. Fruits are medium-large, very smooth, red, meaty and...
  • #T00366
    20 seeds - $4.75 $4.45 - In Stock
    80 Days. A cross between Beauty King and a blue tomato. Meaty, pink, 4 to 8 ounce, beefsteak fruits, with lovely...
  • #T00448
    30 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
    (VF) 58 Days. An extremely early variety developed by the Morden Experiment Farm in Manitoba for southern Canadian...
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