Sweet Bell Pepper Plants

  • #00956X
    $19.95 - In Stock
    One garden ready pepper plant each of Big Bertha , ... 
  • #T03116
    25 seeds - $6.55 $6.45 - Out of Stock
    100 seeds - $17.95 $17.15 - In Stock
    * Grafted Plants - $12.95 - In Stock
    * Garden Ready Plants - $8.50 - In Stock
    70 Days. One of our most popular for fresh market, home gardens and gourmet chefs. Extra-large, mostly 4-lobed,...
  • #T02840
    10 Seeds - $4.75 - In Stock
    * 6-8" Plants - $8.50 - In Stock
    75 days. 2022 AAS Winner! Beautiful, 3 1/2" purple, 4-lobed, blocky bells are deliciously sweet. Unlike other...
  • #T03142
    20 seeds - $6.15 $5.95 - In Stock
    100 seeds - $19.95 $18.95 - In Stock
    * Garden Ready Plants - $8.50 - In Stock
    69 Days. One of the earliest, biggest and brightest yellow bells ever! Very fine, extra-large, 4 1/2", smooth fruits...
  • #T03144
    25 Seeds - $6.25 $6.15 - In Stock
    100 Seeds - $15.95 $15.35 - In Stock
    * Grafted Plant - $12.95 - In Stock
    * Garden Ready Plants - $8.50 - In Stock
    61 Days. Formerly known as Fat 'N Sassy. Varieties bred for early yields usually give up some of their size - not so...