Hybrid Cherry Tomato Seeds

  • #T00501
    * 10 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    (VFFF) 73 Days. Attractive bright red, saladette type fruits weigh up to 4 ounces. Larger than cherries, but...
  • #T00525
    15 seeds - $5.95 $5.65 - In Stock
    58 days. The qualities of these bright beauties just can't be beaten! Beautiful orange, 1/2 oz. cherries are firm...
  • #T00522
    20 Seeds - $5.95 $5.55 - In Stock
    60 days. If Sungold is a favorite of yours, you're going to love this variety! Dark orange, 1" round fruits have big...
  • #T00541
    30 seeds - $4.25 $3.95 - In Stock
    50-60 days. Red - Plants grow 24 to 30" producing trusses that cascade in hanging baskets. Compact plants...
  • #T00535
    30 seeds - $4.25 $3.95 - In Stock
    50-60 days. 2017 AAS Winner. Yellow - Enjoy fresh, roasted or sun-dried for a delicious sweet treat. Plants grow...
  • #T00561
    10 seeds - $4.15 - In Stock
    (VF ToMV) 50 days. These small bites have huge flavor and a great disease resistant package to extend harvests and...
  • #T00631
    15 Seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    68-70 days. Named for the fairy tale character, plants produce unique, long cascading trusses with up to 40...
  • #T00637
    10 seeds - $7.05 - In Stock
    (FF FOR ToMV) 60 days. Performs well in containers, shines in the garden, and has sugary-acid balanced fruits that...
  • #T00676
    20 seeds - $5.05 $4.95 - In Stock
    (F) 50-55 days. Super-sweet, 3/4" to 1 1/4" elongated fruits have a Brix of 8 to 9, grow on long trusses, are firm...
  • #T00680
    15 seeds - $4.35 - In Stock
    80 Days. 2005 AAS Winner. Sugary stands out as something really special in the world of cherry tomato...
  • #T00706
    10 Seeds - $5.15 $4.95 - In Stock
    60 to 65 Days. (FNT) Unique, eye-catching, elongated fruits are an attractive orange. Fruits are 2 to 2 1/2" long by...
  • #T00701
    * 20 Seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    60-65 days. If you love sun-dried tomatoes but don't like paying those high supermarket prices, you'll want to give...
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