Hybrid Tomato Seeds

  • #T00441
    15 seeds - $5.05 $4.95 - In Stock
    (VF) 60-65 Days. Bright red, pear shaped, 2 to 2-1/2 oz. fruits are meaty and full of flavor. Harvest enough at one...
  • #T00458
    10 Seeds - $6.75 $6.15 - In Stock
    (FNT LM ToMV) 50-55 days. Elongated, mini marzano-type fruits grow up to 2 1/4" long by 3/4" wide and resemble small...
  • #T00573
    10 seeds - $5.15 - In Stock
    (VFF GLS) 80 Days. Another highly prized variety bred by Randy Gardener, who also developed the popular Mountain...
  • #T00642
    15 Seeds - $4.95 $4.65 - In Stock
    (VF ToMV) 50-70 days. Pink, heart shaped fruits are firm, smooth, glossy and grow in trusses of 4 to 5. Fruits weigh...
  • #T00680
    15 seeds - $4.35 - In Stock
    80 Days. 2005 AAS Winner. Sugary stands out as something really special in the world of cherry tomato...
  • #T00691
    * 15 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    55-60 days. (VF) Beautiful bright orange, easy-to-peel, 3 to 4 ounce fruits are deliciously sweet and meaty, with a...
  • #T00756
    30 seeds - $3.65 - Out of Stock
    75 Days. Excellent paste-type, elongated, pointed, 5 to 6 inch meaty fruits weigh up to 3 ounces and are produced in...
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