Medium-Large Tomato Seeds

  • #T00425
    * 10 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    75 days. Bred especially for excellent performance in the heat of the southeast and is widely adaptable for the easy...
  • #T00446
    30 Seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
    60-75 days. This gem comes from Ted Maiden of LaFollette, TN, who grew it and saved seeds his father, Ernest Maiden,...
  • #T00448
    30 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
    (VF) 58 Days. An extremely early variety developed by the Morden Experiment Farm in Manitoba for southern Canadian...
  • #T00450
    50 seeds - $3.45 $3.35 - In Stock
    1/16 Ounce - $5.95 $4.95 - In Stock
    (VF) 72 Days. This highly adaptable, tasty old favorite produces high yields of globe-shaped fruits on uniform vines....
  • #T00452
    * 20 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    70 days. (VFF) Easy-to-grow and even easier to savor, fresh or cooked. Upright, 30" tall plants need less support...
  • #T00455
    * 30 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    80-85 days. An heirloom variety with old-fashioned tomato flavor. Pinkish-red, beefsteak-type, 1 to 2 pound fruits...
  • #T00453
    50 seeds - $3.45 $3.35 - In Stock
    (FF GLS) 78 Days. A Rutgers-type, that is earlier and more disease resistant. Strong vines feature medium-large,...
  • #T00478
    10 seeds - $6.95 - In Stock
    (F LM ToMV) 70-80 days. Large, attractive fruits are reminiscent of heirlooms that are still so popular today....
  • #T00487
    30 seeds - $3.95 $3.65 - In Stock
    1/32 Ounce - $10.95 $9.95 - In Stock
    (VFF) 70 Days. Similar to Mountain Fresh and Mountain Spring, but plants are more compact with slightly higher...
  • #T00490
    30 seeds - $6.65 - In Stock
    250 seeds - $30.95 - In Stock
    79 Days (VFFN) Smooth, clean fruits, often exceeding 3-1/2", are 10 to 12 oz., have uniform color and great flavor....
  • #T00494
    10 Seeds - $5.25 $5.15 - In Stock
    (VFF) 78 Days. Good yields of high quality, deep oblate to flattened globe-shaped, extra large fruits have the...
  • #T00496
    30 seeds - $3.75 $3.65 - In Stock
    1/32 Ounce - $9.95 $7.95 - In Stock
    (VFFA GLS BS) 70 Days. The first in the Mountain series, with large fruits that are crack resistant, jointed and...
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