Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 31
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 4-6-8
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruits
Foliage Color Green
Fruit Color Yellow
Germination 7 to 21
Maturity 110
Determinate|Indeterminate Indeterminate
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Disease Resistant y
Genus Solanum
Species lycopersicum
Subspecies Apple Yellow
Common Name Tomato, Apple Yellow Hybrid 

Tomato, Apple Yellow Hybrid 

  • 10 seeds
  • $5.95 $5.45
(TYLCV) 110 Days. 2020 AAS Winner! Uniquely dimpled, bell-shaped fruits weigh up to 1 ounce and have a firm, meaty texture. With a Brix of 8, flavor is deliciously sweet, yet citrusy, with just the right balance of sugar/acid. Plants abundantly produce clusters of eye-catching, bright, lemon yellow, uniform fruits that grow up to 1-1/2". In trials, one plant produced nearly 1,000 fruits! Crack resistant and holds well on the vine. Tolerant to Tomato Mosaic Virus and Nematodes. Indeterminate.

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Own Root

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 31
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 4-6-8
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruits
Foliage Color Green
Fruit Color Yellow
Germination 7 to 21
Maturity 110
Determinate|Indeterminate Indeterminate
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Disease Resistant y
Genus Solanum
Species lycopersicum
Subspecies Apple Yellow
Common Name Tomato, Apple Yellow Hybrid 


Write a review
Great Little Tomato
Jan 22, 2025  |  By Beth Saupe
This will be the third year we are planting this great little tomato. The description is accurate!
Great snacker, firm, easy to pick. We grow it up on a trellis along with the Sun Sugar and Juliet.
I have also canned them along with the Juliet's. Not the firmest after the water bath but quite satisfactory.

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