Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 29
Fragrant n
Common Name Tomato, Opalka 

Tomato, Opalka 

  • 30 seeds
  • $3.35 $3.25
  • 1/32 oz
  • $7.95 $6.95
85 days. Richer and more flavorful than most paste tomatoes. Long, pepper-shaped fruits, approx. 4 to 6" long, grow in clusters of 2 to 5. So sweet and refreshing, and can be eaten straight off the vine, but is highly prized for sauces and canning. Indeterminate.

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Own Root

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 29
Fragrant n
Common Name Tomato, Opalka 


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Opalka tomato
Mar 3, 2024  |  By Scott templeton
I love this tomato. I have grown them the past 8 years and they consistently surprise me how good they taste. But better than the taste is how meaty and seedless they are ( there are some seeds). As an indeterminate they grow very tall and require an impressive trellis but it is worth the work. We eat them fresh, canned , and sauced. They are bigger and thinner skinned than San Marzano or any other Roma style out there. Highly recommend trying!!!

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Opalka tomato
Mar 8, 2024  |  By Joann lijek
I love this tomato. They are delicious and different looking. One of my favorite ways to eat them is sliced down the length and topped with tuna or chicken salad.

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