Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 16
Fragrant n
Subspecies hybrid
Common Name Tomato, RuBee Prize Hybrid 

Tomato, RuBee Prize Hybrid 

  • 10 Seeds
  • $6.05 $5.75
(VFF FOR LM ToMV) 65 days. Extra large, 9 to 10 oz. fruits are flattened globe shaped, firm, have light green shoulders and are deep scarlet red at maturity. Sets clusters of 2 to 4, almost seedless fruits. Most popular in the series for flavor. Super productive plants have good leaf cover. Compact indeterminate.

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Own Root

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 16
Fragrant n
Subspecies hybrid
Common Name Tomato, RuBee Prize Hybrid