Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 40
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 4-6-8
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruit
Foliage Color Green
Fruit Color Green to red
Germination 14 to 28
Maturity 70
Spacing 1.5 ft to 2 ft
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Disease Resistant y
Genus Capsicum
Species annuum
Subspecies Alliance
Common Name Pepper, Sweet, Alliance Hybrid 

Pepper, Sweet, Alliance Hybrid 

  • 15 seeds
  • $5.95
70 days
Because of its disease resistance you'll be ensured of healthy yields of large, mostly 4 lobed, 4 1/2" blocky fruits with thick walls and smooth skin. Fruits mature from green to deep red. Strong plants have good leaf canopy offering protection from sunscald and easy harvest of fruits. Highly resistant to Bacterial Leaf Spot Races 1-3 and 5, Potato Virus Y, Potato Yellow Mosaic Virus, Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Pepper Mottle Virus with intermediate resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus.

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Own Root

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 40
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 4-6-8
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Edible Parts Fruit
Foliage Color Green
Fruit Color Green to red
Germination 14 to 28
Maturity 70
Spacing 1.5 ft to 2 ft
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Disease Resistant y
Genus Capsicum
Species annuum
Subspecies Alliance
Common Name Pepper, Sweet, Alliance Hybrid 


Write a review
amazing yield
Dec 20, 2023  |  By rosanna j gusler
amazing yield of huge thick walled peppers. no disease problems. it is dec 20 and i just picked 2 full grocery bags of peppers. 4 plants provided literally bushels of peppers. plants do need support. i used cages and then tied them to stakes as they outgrew the cages.

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